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Le scénario The Shadowlord's Doorstep

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Le scénario The Shadowlord's Doorstep Empty Le scénario The Shadowlord's Doorstep

Message  Admin Mar 10 Jan - 18:13

Scenario: The Shadowlord’s Doorstep

Terrain: Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain, either a ruined building, tower, or other similar item. The terrain
should be set up in an area roughly 4’ x 4’. The first building should be large and open-topped, preferably ruins. This building
should be placed in the centre of the table.

Warbands: Each player rolls a D6. Whoever rolls the highest chooses who sets up first. The first player then chooses which
table edge to set up on, placing all his warriors within 8” of that edge. His opponent then sets up within 8” of the opposite edge.

Starting the Game: Both players roll a D6. The higher-scoring player may choose who will take the first turn.

Ending the Game: When one warband is the only one to have any models within 6” of the central building, and the Beast has
been put Out of Action, that warband is victorious. Note it is possible for both warbands to Rout before these conditions are met,
in which case both warbands count as losing the battle.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 extra Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero gains +1 Experience for each enemy he puts Out of Action.
+1 Wounding the Beast. Any Hero or Henchman gains +1 Experience for each wound he inflicts on the Beast. Henchmen
groups may only gain +1 Experience in this way.
+1 Putting the Beast Out of Action. The Hero who puts the Beast Out of Action gains a bonus of +1 Experience. This is in
addition to the +1 Experience he would get for causing the wound that made the Injury roll possible in the first place.

Special Rules

The Corruption is Strong Here…: When playing this scenario, you should use the Random Happenings chart at the end of this
pack to represent the fact that the city is more chaotic this close to the Pit. Roll 2D6 at the start of each turn of play and consult the chart.

We’ve Hit the Mother Lode!: The warband that wins this scenario is in a prime position to find treasure and wyrdstone, being
this close to the Pit. To represent this, the winner may roll on the following chart to see what he finds. Note that you roll for each item separately apart from the wyrdstone shards, which are always found.

Item D6 Roll Needed
D3 shards of wyrdstone Automatic
4d6 gc 4+
Gromril axe 5+
Suit of light armour 4+
Shield or buckler 4+
Helmet 4+
D3 swords 4+
D3+1 gems worth 10gc each 5+

Good God, What Is THAT?!: The central building in this scenario is home to a massive beast, a Chaos Spawn of exceptional size.
The Beast will not leave its lair for any reason, but it will attack anyone or anything else who enters. It will charge all models
entering its lair if possible. Its ‘turn’ is performed before the player who took the first turn, though it will do nothing (it counts as
Hidden) until someone comes near its lair.

The Beast has the following stats and abilities:

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Beast 2d6 3 0 4 4 4 3 2d6 10

Fear: The Beast is a disgusting and revolting blasphemy against nature and causes Fear.

Psychology: A mindless creature with no fear of pain or death, the Beast automatically passes any Leadership-based test it is
required to make.

Movement: The Beast moves 2d6” toward the nearest enemy model in each of its Movement phases. If this takes it into contact
with the enemy, the Beast is considered to have charged.

Attacks: Roll at the beginning of each close combat phase to determine the Beast’s number of Attacks for that phase. These will
be divided as evenly as possible among all enemies in base contact. As these attacks represent the Beast lashing out randomly
with its many misshapen appendages, they do not cause critical hits.

Save: The Beast has a horrible, ever-shifting hide that is slimy, spongy, exceptionally thick, or hard as rock depending on where
(and when) you strike it. As such, it has a 5+ armour save that is modifiable as normal by enemy attacks.
Every Moment Is Agony: The Beast is in constant, excruciating pain, making the blows of its enemies pretty easy to bear by
comparison. It cannot be stunned; treat all Injury results of stunned as knocked down instead.

Staggered, But Not Down: Mighty blows will rock the Beast but most creatures lack the ability to truly knock it into the dirt.
Therefore, any knocked down result it receives will instead cause it to lose 1 Attack until its next Recovery phase. Multiple knocked down

Dernière édition par Admin le Dim 15 Jan - 21:36, édité 2 fois


Messages : 217
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2011

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Le scénario The Shadowlord's Doorstep Empty Re: Le scénario The Shadowlord's Doorstep

Message  Admin Mar 10 Jan - 18:16

Random Happenings
Roll 2 D6 to see the result.

2 Earthquake
Powerful magical energies from the crater at the centre of the city shake the local landscape. The ground heaves and
buckles violently and warband members find it hard to keep their footing. Roll a D3 to determine how many game
turns the earthquake lasts. While the shaking persists, all movement is halved, all Initiative tests (climbing, etc) suffer
a -2 penalty and all Shooting and Close Combat to hit rolls are made with a -1 penalty.

3 High Winds
A powerful wind screams through the area, wildly scattering debris and knocking down anything that is not firmly
anchored to the ground. Warband members now suffer a -1 penalty to all Initiative tests (climbing, jumping, etc) and
to hit rolls (close combat and shooting) for the rest of the game.

4 Lucky Find
One random model, on his feet and not in hand-to-hand combat or fleeing, has stumbled upon a shard of wyrdstone!
Assuming he doesn’t go out of action, this is added to any other shards the warband finds after the game. If he is taken
out of action in close combat, the enemy model steals the shard away! Note that only non-animal models can find or
steal a shard, not Dire Wolves, Hunting Dogs, etc

5 The Twisting of the Air
Reality itself seems to twist, warping perceptions until no one can be sure of what their senses tell them. Roll a D6 at
the start of each player’s turn. For the next D3 game turns, the distance within which warriors can use their Leader’s
Leadership value and the distance for being All Alone is the value rolled instead of the normal 6". All distances
between models are also increased by the same D6" roll for purposes of weapon ranges and charging. Note that the
actual models are not moved, but only the shooting/charging model’s perception of the distance.

6 Scrawling on a Wall
A randomly determined warband member who is within 4" of a building (if there are no models this close to a
building, ignore this encounter), sees writing suddenly appear in blood on the wall closest to him. Roll on the
following table to find out what the writing says:
Result: 1-3 Reading the writing accidentally sets off a spell on the reader. The model suffers a minor curse and now
has a -1 penalty to all dice rolls for the rest of the game. 4-6 A fun read, but nothing else happens (Veskit was here!).

7 Thick Fog
A fog rolls in, thick as pea soup. Models can only see 2D6" (roll once for the distance all models can see; do not roll
individually for each model). Re-roll at start of each Encountering Player’s turn to see what the visibility is for that
turn. The fog lasts for the rest of the game.

8 Possessed!
One randomly selected member of the Encountering Player’s warband is suddenly possessed by a minor spirit. This
spirit is far too weak to control the model’s entire body, but is instead limited to controlling one of his or her limbs
(usually an arm). The model takes an automatic hit at his or her own Strength during each of his or her Close Combat
phases until the possession is over and may do nothing else. The possession lasts D3 game turns. Note that Sigmarite
Matriarchs and Warrior-Priests are immune to this possession, as are non-living warband members. If such a warband
member is the object of the spirit’s attention, randomly determine another warband member to suffer the effect instead.

9 Plague of Flies
An enormous cloud of flies appears in the sky and swoops down on the warbands below. All models have an extra -1
to hit penalty when shooting or fighting in close combat as flies buzz around them and into open orifices. The flies
remain for D3 game turns and then fly away.

10 Sinkhole
An enormous mouth suddenly opens up under the feet of one randomly determined warband member. Make an
Initiative test for the model. If the test is failed, the model falls into the pit. If a 1 is rolled for the test, the model is
sucked underground and taken out of action. Any other failure results in the model catching himself in the opening,
which closes around him. Treat the model as being knocked down for the rest of the game, though he may not move at

11 Booby Traps
Some nefarious individuals have trapped the whole area the warbands are searching. These traps may take the form of
spiked pits, deadfalls, spring-driven spiked boards, etc. When this encounter is rolled, the Encountering Player must
randomly determine which of his warband members has discovered the first trap. This unfortunate individual springs a
trap immediately. If the trap is not avoided by passing an Initiative test, the model takes a Strength 3 hit; armour saves
apply as normal. From this point until the end of the game, each player will roll a D6 at the start of his or her
Movement phase. A roll of 1 means that one member of that player’s warband has sprung a trap and must make an
Initiative test to avoid it. If the trap is not avoided, the model takes a S3 hit as above; apply any damage before the
model is moved.

12 Catacombs
The ground gives way under one randomly selected warrior and he catches his foot in a rotting strongbox the model is
unable to move for that turn but is otherwise unaffected. He discovers one of the following after a quick search of the
box (roll a D6):
D6 Result
1 A helmet
2 A small pouch containing 2D6 gold crowns
3 A lantern
4 A net
5 A vial of Black Lotus
6 A sword

Any Double in addition to the happening listed above
No matter which turn it is rolled on, this encounter happens at the end of the game. The winning warband sees a
peddler wandering through the ruins. This travelling merchant keeps his entire stock on his back and offers to sell part
of it to the warband. He has the following items at half their normal price: mace, hammer, sword, dagger, axe, helmet,
crossbow, pistol, duelling pistol, rope & hook, any poison, lucky charm, blessed water, hunting arrows, garlic, healing
herbs, holy (or unholy) relic, lantern and Mordheim map. Roll a D3 for each item to find the quantity the peddler


Messages : 217
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2011

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